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14% of Icelandic families have single mothers, while 2% have single fathers. 40% have both parents, while the remainder of families are childless. Among those not in formal employment, a 2010 survey found that 95% of those describing themselves as homemakers were women. The survey also found 1200 people on unpaid family leave, all of them women. Icelandic women first got the right to vote in parliamentary elections in 1915. When logged in, click your profile avatar in the top right-hand corner of the screen to visit your profile page. From there you can access your bookmarked content under the “Bookmarks” tab.

  • From this point on, the Open Text fields exist as fully separate (i.e. “forked”) versions for each language, while the Fixed Data fields are synchronized between all languages.
  • At the turn of the 20th century, herring fishing exploded in the North Atlantic, giving rise to boomtowns in northern Iceland—the equivalent of Gold Rush towns in North America.
  • The Day Off event organizers got radio stations, television, and newspapers to run stories about gender-based discrimination and lower wages for women.
  • These papers contained nothing besides articles on the women’s strike.

When the fleet was in, 10,000 or more fishermen, workers and herring girls packed the streets and docks. By the time the boom ended in the 1960s, herring accounted for as much as 40 percent of Iceland’s exports; at least 20 percent of the country’s total exports were sourced in Siglufjörður. After kids grow up with equal time from parents, gender equality lessons don’t stop.

A global crowdsourcing platform for researchers, activists, practitioners, and anyone interested in public participation and democratic innovations. On October 24, 1975, 90% of Icelandic Women went on strike for one day to remind the country of their importance. Based on the studies done by deCODE, a company for analysing human genomes, Iceland also has the most homogenous population. Their cousine is based on dairy and fish, and includes dishes like Hákarl– rotten Greenland shark.

The strike lasted until midnight that night, when the typesetters returned to work on papers for the next day. These papers contained nothing besides articles on the women’s strike.


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The #metoo movement has helped show that Iceland still has a systematic imbalance of power between the sexes. Just this year, a large group of foreign women in Iceland started organizing to highlight their experiences of gender-based discrimination and advocate for change.

The country’s first women’s rights organization formed in 1894 and collected signatures on voting rights petitions. By 1907, 11,000 women and men—more than 12 percent of the population—had signed on.

You can listen to the episode on the player below or on Apple Podcasts, RadioPublic, Stitcher, and wherever else you get your podcasts. Business IcelandIceland is a small Arctic country with gorgeous hot springs, lush lands and harsh winters. Iceland passed a law in 2010 requiring company boards to have a minimum of 40% of women or men. In 2021, women occupied about 42% of managerial roles and 40% of parliamentary positions in Iceland. The Daughters of Reykjavik are a feminist rap collective who rap about gender issues. A performance by Reykjavíkurdætur , an Icelandic feminist rap collective who rap about gender issues.

By the age of 11, I had become an independent herring girl.” Björnsdóttir remembers the long hours as one of the most difficult parts of the job, with—quite literally—no rest for the weary at times. “When I had been working for over 12 hours and finally went home to rest, as soon as I fell asleep, there was a knock on the window and the next ship had arrived,” she says.

Once-sleepy fjord towns began to fill up as more Icelandic men took to the sea, no longer as employees of the Norwegians but as captains and crew of locally owned boats. With the opening of Iceland’s first herring processing plant in Siglufjörður in 1911, the so-called herring boom was well underway. Please click the floating ‘edit’ button located at the bottom right of the page to add information or improve machine-translations for any entry.

One of the most important of those strategies, according to Halla Hrund Logadottir, the Director-General of Iceland’s National Energy Authority, is to leverage the talent of women. “I’m really thankful for our culture in Iceland for how open it is, how women are leading the way, and I very much want to be part of continuing that,” Davidsdottir said. But Davidsdottir thinks the culture is gradually changing find more at in the States, and it’s becoming more normal to be a muscular woman.

In 1968 there was a strike for equal status by women factory workers at the Ford manufacturing plant in Dagenham, UK. Following the 1968 strike, there was a 1970 Women’s Strike for Equality in the U.S. As a result, the United Nations designated the year 1975 to be a Women’s Year . In response to this, Icelandic women’s groups sought to organize events to commemorate the Women’s Year . It was decided that the women of Iceland would go on strike for one day in order to remind the people of Iceland how important women were to Icelandic society, and to bring attention to the low pay of women . This was the first time a women’s strike of nearly all the women of the country was used in Iceland . The country has not just one, but three, laws protecting women at work.

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