It was value passing from the storm, to love eg a nice and you can hallowed calm

It was value passing from the storm, to love eg a nice and you can hallowed calm

While the past conference of the Board, the second missionary laborers were provided for its respective industries, v iz

46 46 Yearly Fulfilling Out-of T H E Panel. [ R e p o r t. o f a kind and you can fraternal heart. The Tuesday early morning classes has tend to been recognized by the pleased and you can subduing presence regarding Him that is Go things on the chapel. But do not are there including persuading evidences that Learn regarding Assemblies got produced this new hr his very own. It was an enthusiastic omen out-of unspeakable well worth. T h e Lord is through you. W e are performing their work ; and he keeps put his seal about it.

Nathaniel O

47 40-5th Yearly Statement Of your PRUDENTIAL Panel. Household Department. O B It You A r Y N O T IC E S. F i v e Corporate People have lifeless inside year, viz. : Rev. Leonard Woods, D. D., Rev. Joshua Bates, D. D., and you can Hon. David Mack, away from Massachusetts ; Anson G. Phelps, Esq., of the latest York ; and you can Hon. Kellogg, out of Connecticut. Dr. Woods is actually select a part in 1819, Dr. Bates within the 1821, Mr. Mack within the 1840, Mr. Phelps inside 1840, and you may Mr. K ellogg for the Intelligence has also been received of your passing from one or two missionaries and five secretary missionaries. Of those, one nice hot Kama in Japan girl try about brand new Zulu goal; one to towards Nestorian ; you to definitely towards Madras; one towards Micronesian ; one towards the Assyrian ; one toward Armenian : and another on the Canton. Yards ISSIONARY Household. The new Prudential Committee, new Secretaries, the Treasurer, Editor of the Diary out-of Objectives and Childhood s Dayspring, Representative away from E-books, and buying Agent, has actually sued their work within several divisions, without any serious interruption off illness and other causes. meters we s s we o n a r i age s s age letter t f o roentgen t h. : Rev. Elias L. Boing and you will Mrs. Anna Meters. Boing, Laura M. Aiken, Lydia S. Bishop, and you may Mr. Harvey R. Schermerhorn, to the Choctaws ; Rev. Horace A good. Wentz, Meters. Age Denny, and Lucina H. Lord, towards Cherokees ; Mrs. Susan Roentgen. Nothing, to your Yards adura M issio n ; Rev. Epaminondas J. Penetrate and you may Mrs. Susan S. Penetrate, Rev. Hubert P. Herrick and you may Mrs. Julia Herrick, Mrs. Lucina J. Bushnell, Mrs. Gertrude Greatest and you may Olivia Smith, to help you

48 forty eight Domestic DEPARTM ENT. [Declaration, the newest Gaboon M ission ; Rev. Henry Blodget and you will Rev. William Aitchisou, to S hanghai, C h inside good ; Rev. Edward T. Doane and you will Mrs. Sarah W. Doane, Rev. William Shipman and you may Mrs. a keen, so you can M icronesia ; Rev. Alfred G. Beebee and you may Mrs. Sarah J. Beebee, Rev. George A. Perkins and you can Mrs. Sarah E. Perkins, Roentgen ev. Sanford Richardson and you can Mrs. Rhoda A. Richardson, Rev. Edwin Goodell and you will Mrs. Catharine J. Goodell, Rev. Benjamin Parsons and you will Mrs. Sarah W. Parsons, with the A good rm durante ians; David H. Nutting, Meters. D. and you may Mrs. Mary E. Nutting, for the Good ssyrian Meters ission. And also make 13 missionaries, step 1 missionary physician, 1 men and you will ). t female > assistant missionaries. 34 in every. Also the more than-called, Rev. William Tracy and you will Mrs. Em ily F. Tracy, and you may Rev. Charles Absolutely nothing, of one’s Meters adura Meters ission ; Rev. Albert Bushnell and you will Rev. Jacob Ideal, o f the fresh new Gaboon Yards issio letter ; Rev. C. Y. A great. Van Dyck, Yards. D. and you will Mrs. Julia An effective. Van Dyck, of S yria Yards ission, with spent a while in this country, on the approbation of your Committee, possess gone back to their previous areas out-of labor; to make a grand complete out of 41 missionaries and secretary missionaries delivered away inside the 12 months. Nowadays there are below conference within country ten missionaries and you may half a dozen women assistant m issionaries; together with prospect to have missionary candidates within academies, universities, and you will theological seminaries, try never ever lighter than at this meters om ent; however there is not the fresh new smallest chances that have often equivalent otherwise approximate this new demand. p you b l i c a great t we o n s. In the year conclude July 29, 1854, next e-books was basically given, so you’re able to w it : Missionary Herald, 210,000 copies, mediocre monthly, 17,500; Log off Missions, 374,892, average 30 days, 31,241; Y outh s Dayspring, 340,five-hundred, mediocre a month, dos 8,step 3 seven 5 ; full of one’s three, 925,392, average monthly, 77,116; Annual Statement, 5,000 duplicates; Dr. Adams s Sermon, step three,000 duplicates ; Conceptual of Declaration, 3,five-hundred copies; Maps and you may Visuals, 1,500 copies ; Tract, No. six, 750 copies; Region, No. several, copies; System, No. thirteen, step one,000 copies; Caste iu Ceylon, step one,five-hundred copies ; Interactions of the West to help you Foreign Objectives, 4,000 duplicates; Statistical Records, step 1,five-hundred copies; overall regarding tracts and you will literature, 22,150 copies. Zero special efforts have been made to give the movement off the 3 yards onthlies; however, in contrast w ith the prior

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